
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Now you can 'safely' text and walk...

This supposedly came out a few months ago, but it's new to me.

Android and iPhones now have an app that uses your phones camera and intergrates it with texting so you can see what's in front of you while you're walking (or driving unfortunately as well), my only concern is how would I see the keyboard in say a snowstorm?

via [likecool]


  1. Obviously we need a new app where the letters show up in a stark contrast against the background.

  2. the answer is DON'T text and drive. >:(

  3. man i could really use this...

  4. Just in case texting hasn't made your attention fragmented enough...

  5. Well, the problem is that your brain is occupied, so I think this doesn't solve it.

  6. That's a really good point. Maybe you can change the font colour?

    Necroticism also made a really good point.

  7. That is genious. I wonder how people come up with those things. Great post, im following.

  8. maybe i can attach this to my head and type with my tongue

  9. They should be coming up with a way to not being ABLE to text while driving... or walking even, cos i know someone who got hit by a train cos she wasnt paying attention to where she was going... could her life have been saved with this new feature... don't know...

  10. Neat idea, although if the text is so important that you need to type while walking, wouldn't that make stopping, or just calling easier?
