So while the majority of the time I will be blogging about fun things I find on the internet, me being a bar fly in a college town does present a myriad of funny situations that come up.
Anyways, night before last presented a serious 'FML' situation. I was, along with most of the college-aged town, celebrating Mardi Gras and had quite a few drinks. With about an hour before close I met this very cute girl who was a 9 out of 10 in looks easily. She also was really cool to talk to so instead of trying to go the one night stand route with her, I decided to just get her number so I could maybe actually get to know her.
Anyways, she decided to make the move and asked if I wanted to come over, obviously if the girl is asking you can't say no. So I get her address and she gives me her phone so I can dial in my number.
30 minutes later I drive to her apartment and realize that although I have the address I forgot to get the apartment number, I proceed to call her phone, but she doesn't answer. I wait a few minutes, call back and no answer. Finally, I call back one last time to leave a message along the lines of "hey I understand if you don't want to hook up tonight, but I'd still like to take you out sometime". I head home.
Next morning my friend sends me a chat message on facebook asking him why I had left him a message about hooking up. Then it all made sense...
I had gotten his number a few minutes earlier to get him signed up for a march madness bracket, but forgot about that. Then, when typing my number in the girls phone, I never actually either saved it or called my phone. Thus, there was no way I was getting a hold of her and instead of probably getting laid by a hot chick, a guy thinks I have a gay crush on him.
Summary for those in a hurry:
Meet girl at bar
Forget to get apt number or phone number
Call wrong number
Miss out on girl, person I call thinks I'm gay.